Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Survive These News Headlines: April 20-24

If you haven't been keeping up with the news headlines, please take a quick gander. Continue to prepare for an emergency. Take charge of your life by becoming more self-sufficient. Be aware. Be Prepared. Many of our affiliate links to the right are excellent sources for emergency kits, seeds, water purifiers, solar power, etc., etc. Read and take action!

HR20-New Mother's Mandated Mental Health Test-JUST PASSED HOUSE!
Posted April 14th, 2009

Big Earthquake Coming Sooner Than We Thought, Oregon Geologist Says
a tsunami from this quake could be 80-100 feet high in Oregon

April 19, 2009
By Lori Tobias
The Oregonian

How to prepare for the big one

Discuss: Sit down with your family and put together an emergency plan.

Build: Put together an emergency kit with nonperishable food, water, medical supplies, extra prescriptions, warm clothing and provisions if you need to leave your home. Arrange an out-of-state contact for everyone in case family members are separated.

Know: If you're on the coast, know where high ground is from home and places you frequent.

Drop, cover and hold: Practice dropping under a sturdy desk or table and hanging on; during a quake, you'll be less likely to be hurt by falling objects. If you can't get to furniture, go to a corner away from windows and cover your head.


America's "Food Basket" in Dire Straits

Farms see fallow fields and laid-off workers, and some urban consumers face their first water cuts in two decades.
April 17, 2009
By Daniel B. Wood
Christian Science Monitor


Severe Texas Drought Threatens Coastal Wildlife

A severe drought gripping Texas is causing unusually salty conditions along the Gulf Coast, upsetting the region's ecological balance and threatening coastal wildlife including oysters, crabs and whooping cranes, the most endangered crane species.

The drought is one of the driest on record for Texas and is currently the worst in the U.S., which has seen persistent dry weather across several Western states, Florida and even Hawaii, according to academic and government monitors. The scarcity of rain has reduced fresh-water flow from rivers and streams into coastal marshes, estuaries and bays that normally dilute the salt content of water from the Gulf of Mexico
The coastal fishing industry also has been hit hard as salty conditions shrink populations of shellfish such as oysters and crabs.


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